Yesterday afternoon, my friend and I drove up I65 all the way from Nashville to Louisville with the top down. (Yes, we did blast country music! And, yes, I did feel like I was in a Carrie Underwood music video!) But, by the time we got to Indianapolis, the 80 degree weather and bright sunshine were distant memories. Perfect weather was replaced by forty degree temperatures, strong winds, storms and the promise of snow in the morning. Oh, Indianapolis, you always seem to welcome me home with the most cheerful of weather....
At home that night, I got out the holiday decorations. And, if I had gone by the weather, I should have put up the Christmas decorations instead of the Easter decorations. Seriously - it feels like December outside! (Don't worry Momma - the faux-chocolate rabbit is perched on the mantel anxiously awaiting your arrival!)
And, as I walked out to my car this morning, I experienced the strange juxtaposition of sleet hitting my face while birds chirped in the trees. And, I swear, I heard one bird say to the other, "What the tweet is going on here!?!"
Vegas in 10 days!!!!!!!
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