People say that when you let other people know about a personal goal, you're more apt to accomplish it. So here's my 2010 New Year's Resolution (which I've been working on for a few weeks now):
I will learn to loosen up more and not get bogged down by details.
There. I have made this public. And, I'm really trying, much to the relief of my friends and family who must get totally exhausted by my over-scheduling and over-analyzing. Heck, it exhausts me!
But, last night my resolution hit a hiccup. How, must you ask, can this happen before the New Year even graces us with its presence?? Because, at 3am, in the dark, without my glasses on, I was making a list. A list that involved things like name tags, pencils and another list I needed to make when I got to work.
Honestly, I feel like my subconscious is slyly working against me. I mean, it's waking me up in the middle of the night and encouraging me to make a list!!! Without my permission.
Dear Subconscious: I'm pissed at you. And, while we're at it, stop with the crazy dreams. I'm sick and tired of logging onto every morning trying to decipher why I would dream about gerbils or tornadoes or swim lessons. Pissed.
I will continue to work on accomplishing my resolution. Baby steps. Itty, bitty baby steps. Until then, just bear with me...
Oh - one bright point?!?! My handwriting on the list that I wrote at 3am. In the dark. Without my glasses??? BEAUTIFUL!!! Seriously. The letter spacing is impeccable. I'm that good.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
of Turkey Trots and DNR forms
How was your Thanksgiving? Full of football and turkey and funny family stories? That's sweet. No offense, but I bet your Thanksgiving can't hold a candle to my Turkey Day.
The day started off EARLY. Momma and I had this fun idea that we would run the Valpo Turkey Trot 5K on Thursday morning. I woke up. Got dressed. Looked out the window. Changed my outfit. It was raining. And sleeting. And snowing. Winter Mess Trifecta! But, we did it anyways. Oh, quick side note? I'm not a runner. Nor did a "train" to run a 5K. My gym routine consists of kickboxing, lifting weights and reading Health magazine on the elliptical. I didn't start the race running, but a half mile into the race, I had stepped in two huge puddles and the sleet was crusting around my eyelashes. So I ran. I ran just to get the thing over with. At the end of the race, my mom comes up to me and says, "Alane. You're a machine. I can't believe you ran that whole thing!" She failed to mention I was pale as a ghost and she was worried I was going to pass out.
(PS: For all you runners out there, I know that a 5K is practically nothing to you. Stop snickering. I had not physically or mentally prepared myself to run three miles when I woke up that morning. Get over yourself.)
Either way, after the race, I grabbed a granola bar, tripped all over my soaking wet pants, sloshed around in my wet socks and patiently waited for my mom to claim her medal for placing third in her age group. (You're welcome, Momma.)
But, we did it!
Okay, okay. So some of you might have run a similar race in your home town on Thanksgiving morning. You're probably thinking, "What? Why was her Turkey Day that special? I ran a race too."
Here it is: My 83 year old grandma had my family sign and witness her Do Not Resuscitate form on Thanksgiving. Yep. True story. It was awkward. And, it made our "Litany of Thanksgivings" around the table much more poignant this year. MUCH more.
Bless her heart. All she had to say about it was, "Well, I'd rather have you sign it at Thanksgiving as opposed to Christmas." Well, that, and jokingly accusing my brother of sending her to the grave early. But, that's why we love her!
Bring on the holidays!
The day started off EARLY. Momma and I had this fun idea that we would run the Valpo Turkey Trot 5K on Thursday morning. I woke up. Got dressed. Looked out the window. Changed my outfit. It was raining. And sleeting. And snowing. Winter Mess Trifecta! But, we did it anyways. Oh, quick side note? I'm not a runner. Nor did a "train" to run a 5K. My gym routine consists of kickboxing, lifting weights and reading Health magazine on the elliptical. I didn't start the race running, but a half mile into the race, I had stepped in two huge puddles and the sleet was crusting around my eyelashes. So I ran. I ran just to get the thing over with. At the end of the race, my mom comes up to me and says, "Alane. You're a machine. I can't believe you ran that whole thing!" She failed to mention I was pale as a ghost and she was worried I was going to pass out.
(PS: For all you runners out there, I know that a 5K is practically nothing to you. Stop snickering. I had not physically or mentally prepared myself to run three miles when I woke up that morning. Get over yourself.)
Either way, after the race, I grabbed a granola bar, tripped all over my soaking wet pants, sloshed around in my wet socks and patiently waited for my mom to claim her medal for placing third in her age group. (You're welcome, Momma.)
But, we did it!
Okay, okay. So some of you might have run a similar race in your home town on Thanksgiving morning. You're probably thinking, "What? Why was her Turkey Day that special? I ran a race too."
Here it is: My 83 year old grandma had my family sign and witness her Do Not Resuscitate form on Thanksgiving. Yep. True story. It was awkward. And, it made our "Litany of Thanksgivings" around the table much more poignant this year. MUCH more.
Bless her heart. All she had to say about it was, "Well, I'd rather have you sign it at Thanksgiving as opposed to Christmas." Well, that, and jokingly accusing my brother of sending her to the grave early. But, that's why we love her!
Bring on the holidays!
Friday, November 20, 2009
schoolgirl crush
I was watching the Today Show this morning (Matt Laurer... Swoon...), and there were all. these. screaming. girls. there to catch a glimpse of one of the Twilight stars.
I admit it. I have not read any of the Twilight books. (However, I would like to! Anyone have a copy they can share?) I have also not seen the movie. (planning on renting it...)
But these girls! Nuts! And, some of them were not girls. Some were full-grown women with teenage daughters of their own literally falling over themselves to get a picture of a seventeen year old boy who plays a werewolf. Really?
Then, I remembered the time I got all "teenage girl" as an adult... New Kids on the Block concert. June 28, 2009. My 26th Birthday.
Oh. My. God.
Two words: Jordan Knight
Hottie -bo -bottie. For real.

PS: Anyone remember the New Kids on the Block cartoon???? Hey-o!!!!
I admit it. I have not read any of the Twilight books. (However, I would like to! Anyone have a copy they can share?) I have also not seen the movie. (planning on renting it...)
But these girls! Nuts! And, some of them were not girls. Some were full-grown women with teenage daughters of their own literally falling over themselves to get a picture of a seventeen year old boy who plays a werewolf. Really?
Then, I remembered the time I got all "teenage girl" as an adult... New Kids on the Block concert. June 28, 2009. My 26th Birthday.
Oh. My. God.

Two words: Jordan Knight
Hottie -bo -bottie. For real.

PS: Anyone remember the New Kids on the Block cartoon???? Hey-o!!!!

It's a Confusing Time to Be a Woman!
Earlier this week, new guidelines were introduced in regards to breast cancer screenings. I've matured into a woman knowing that I'll need to get my first mammogram at age 40. The new guidelines are saying women can wait until they are 50 to get screened.
Then, this morning, it was reported that the American College of Obstetricians is advising women to wait until they are 21 until they get their first pap smear. Yeah... I got mine much earlier than that.

This is a lot of information. A lot of change. In one week. And, the response has been anything but passionate.
And, this should come as no surprise: I'm pretty passionate about this issue too. I know too many women who were diagnosed with breast cancer in their 20s, 30s and 40s. What if these women had not given themselves self exams or had a screening before they were 50? Would they be survivors today? Or victims?
And, let's be frank: I know and love A LOT of women who grappled with HPV in college. The majority of them being diagnosed with this before they were 21. If they had not been receiving annual pap smears since they were in high school, then what? Would they not have known they had HPV until they reached the legal drinking age? Would the HPV progressed into something not as easy to treat? Heck - at that point, some women would not even know who had infected them in the first place!
Yes, I know that it takes a lot of time for HPV to progress into cervical cancer, but there are a lot of benefits besides a cancer screening when it comes to your annual pap.
I'm a girl. I love and respect my girl parts. Both the top and the bottom. And, I know that the best way to keep me and my girl parts healthy is to be proactive and preventative. So, while I respect the new research, I'm sticking with the old guidelines. I'm still going to see my gyno every year. And, when I'm forty - my twins are going to be squished together between two metal plates.
These screenings are not fun. But, are they worth it? I'm sure of it.
Then, this morning, it was reported that the American College of Obstetricians is advising women to wait until they are 21 until they get their first pap smear. Yeah... I got mine much earlier than that.

This is a lot of information. A lot of change. In one week. And, the response has been anything but passionate.
And, this should come as no surprise: I'm pretty passionate about this issue too. I know too many women who were diagnosed with breast cancer in their 20s, 30s and 40s. What if these women had not given themselves self exams or had a screening before they were 50? Would they be survivors today? Or victims?
And, let's be frank: I know and love A LOT of women who grappled with HPV in college. The majority of them being diagnosed with this before they were 21. If they had not been receiving annual pap smears since they were in high school, then what? Would they not have known they had HPV until they reached the legal drinking age? Would the HPV progressed into something not as easy to treat? Heck - at that point, some women would not even know who had infected them in the first place!
Yes, I know that it takes a lot of time for HPV to progress into cervical cancer, but there are a lot of benefits besides a cancer screening when it comes to your annual pap.
I'm a girl. I love and respect my girl parts. Both the top and the bottom. And, I know that the best way to keep me and my girl parts healthy is to be proactive and preventative. So, while I respect the new research, I'm sticking with the old guidelines. I'm still going to see my gyno every year. And, when I'm forty - my twins are going to be squished together between two metal plates.
These screenings are not fun. But, are they worth it? I'm sure of it.
breast cancer,
cervical cancer,
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
My Boys

It's almost half time for this year's Colts-Patriots regular season match up. I hate this game. Every year. It's one of the only games where I feel a little less confident in my boys in blue than usual. And, for someone who is so even keeled when it comes to sports, it's surprising to some to hear my say really. mean. things. about the Patriots.
I remember crying after we beat the Patriots in 2005 because I was so happy. I also remember crying when we were beat by the Patriots. After the Colts beat the Patriots for the AFC Championship in 2007, I ran around in the snow only wearing underwear and a Peyton Manning jersey - I was THAT excited! (yes, mom. i know this was not a smart or healthy decision. but, it felt great at the time.) And, soon after that half-naked run, I went downtown to celebrate on the circle - wearing TWO jerseys and a smile (oh, and pants!).
This game always invokes a lot of emotion. Right now, we're down 10 points. I don't like it. I have this thing where I really need the Colts to be in the lead at half for me to feel good about the rest of the game. But, I know THIS game is the exception year after year.
And, knowing this gives me hope that we still have a chance. I'm going to be honest - I'm going to change jerseys at halftime, just in case it may help our chances.
See you on the flip side. GO COLTS!!!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Knock and the door shall be opened?
I'm pretty bummed to find out I won't be getting the promotion I had been seeking. My three year anniversary of hard work just happens to fall at a really crappy time in my office. I'm disappointed, but not much I can do about it at this point.
On the other hand, I wrote Cover Girl about some faulty eyeliner I have been experiencing. They wrote me back and gave me a coupon for full compensation of said faulty eyeliner.
So, as the old saying goes: Knock, and the door shall be opened. Ask and you shall receive. Well, only sometimes....
Hopefully, the old saying of "every time a door is closed, a window opens" works in my favor.
On the other hand, I wrote Cover Girl about some faulty eyeliner I have been experiencing. They wrote me back and gave me a coupon for full compensation of said faulty eyeliner.
So, as the old saying goes: Knock, and the door shall be opened. Ask and you shall receive. Well, only sometimes....
Hopefully, the old saying of "every time a door is closed, a window opens" works in my favor.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Hope for the Holidays
Typically, my office "adopts" a family each year for the holiday season. This year, we're going a bit of a different route: we're selecting children who don't have family - at least not in the traditional sense. Foster children. Children who have been neglected, abused and taken away from their parents. One little boy who's three younger brothers were adopted - yet he still moves from foster home to foster home.
Even during these tough economic times, I find it important to give back. I'm asking for golf clubs for Christmas. These kids are asking for shoes. It really puts life in perspective. While money is tight, a lot of us still have a lot to share.
If you're in Indiana, I encourage you to check out the Children's Bureau website and their Hope for the Holidays program. On the website, each of the children's case workers have written a short background on the child. I warn you - they are heartbreaking stories. But, they are moving. And, hopefully they encourage you to give a little bit extra this holiday season.
Even during these tough economic times, I find it important to give back. I'm asking for golf clubs for Christmas. These kids are asking for shoes. It really puts life in perspective. While money is tight, a lot of us still have a lot to share.
If you're in Indiana, I encourage you to check out the Children's Bureau website and their Hope for the Holidays program. On the website, each of the children's case workers have written a short background on the child. I warn you - they are heartbreaking stories. But, they are moving. And, hopefully they encourage you to give a little bit extra this holiday season.

Sunday, November 8, 2009
The Perfect Respite
Central Indiana was blessed with amazing weather this weekend. 70 degrees and sunny both Saturday and Sunday. And, what do you do on a weekend in November that features the. most. perfect. weather? Tailgate.
The weekend focused around football. Bloomington on Saturday morning. Hanging out with some of my best friends and most of my family. Colts game today (close win!) followed by catching up on the back deck.
Perfect. I'm ready for the week now. Thank you, Mother Nature, for the wonderful gift.
The weekend focused around football. Bloomington on Saturday morning. Hanging out with some of my best friends and most of my family. Colts game today (close win!) followed by catching up on the back deck.
Perfect. I'm ready for the week now. Thank you, Mother Nature, for the wonderful gift.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Something to Look Forward To

I booked a plane ticket to Florida yesterday. I'm going in January. While it seems far away now, I'm so thankful I have something to keep me going through the cold, nasty weather that's about to show its face. And, while the ultimate trip is a Summers' family vacation, a trip with Mom, Dad, Tom & Alice is going to be perfectl.
Here's what I have to look forward to: Reading by the pool. Walking the beach early in the morning. Seafood and Coronas. Look for the "green flash" when the sun sets. Flip flops. Sleeping with the windows open so the waves crashing can lull me to sleep (that hasn't happened since Myrtle Beach! many moons ago...). Tiki bars. Swimsuits. A break.
Been a long time.
Been a long time, blog.... You and my journal are currently in a competition for who receives my thoughts. And, right now, the journal is winning. No offense to you - I just have so many thoughts that don't need to be shared with the world. (And, I don't need "some people" reading my missives about them....) Here's my holiday vow: I'll pay you some more attention!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
twinkle toes
I wore some really cute shoes to work today. And, I think every woman in my office commented on how cute they were. But, what I want to know is this: Did my hottie lunch date like the shoes???
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
a rainbow followed me home.
The entire time I knew her, Grandma Alice lived in Colorado. I'm sure it's where my love affair of that state began.
They have the most beautiful rainbows in Colorado. The seem to jump from mountain top to mountain top, coaxing you to find the ends. Growing up, Grandma would send me pictures of Colorado rainbows that they would print in the newspaper. Envelopes full of newsprint rainbows! She also sent rainbow stickers, and I must admit, I still have some of those stickers. I just can't bear to give them up. They remind me of being six and sending penpal letters.
To me, Grandma Alice and rainbows go hand in hand. And, every time I see a rainbow, I know it's her, smiling down on me.
Today, I was driving home from work and worrying. Lots of worrying. I looked to my left and I saw it. I saw her. A beautiful, out of the blue, reaching across the sky rainbow. And I cried. Because I knew Grandma was there, watching me. Reminding me that this, too, shall pass.
I took a different way home tonight. I drove as far as I could following the rainbow on my left. That rainbow following me. And, I was comforted by the time I got home, just like she expected me to be.
They have the most beautiful rainbows in Colorado. The seem to jump from mountain top to mountain top, coaxing you to find the ends. Growing up, Grandma would send me pictures of Colorado rainbows that they would print in the newspaper. Envelopes full of newsprint rainbows! She also sent rainbow stickers, and I must admit, I still have some of those stickers. I just can't bear to give them up. They remind me of being six and sending penpal letters.
To me, Grandma Alice and rainbows go hand in hand. And, every time I see a rainbow, I know it's her, smiling down on me.
Today, I was driving home from work and worrying. Lots of worrying. I looked to my left and I saw it. I saw her. A beautiful, out of the blue, reaching across the sky rainbow. And I cried. Because I knew Grandma was there, watching me. Reminding me that this, too, shall pass.
I took a different way home tonight. I drove as far as I could following the rainbow on my left. That rainbow following me. And, I was comforted by the time I got home, just like she expected me to be.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Dear Blog: I have neglected you. I can make excuses about how work is CRAZY (remind me to link my other blog here...), how I've had out of town guests in for the past several weekends, or how it's May and my free time is spent at the track. But, I know you don't like excuses... So, my gift to you is this: A list of things I'm looking forward to in the next couple of months.
1. The Indianapolis 500 (live and in person!)
2. Country music concerts
3. My summer camp's 100th Anniversary Reunion Weekend
4. Spending some time on Flint Lake
5. My birthday!
With love (and apologies),
1. The Indianapolis 500 (live and in person!)
2. Country music concerts
3. My summer camp's 100th Anniversary Reunion Weekend
4. Spending some time on Flint Lake
5. My birthday!
With love (and apologies),
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Vegas: The Aftermath

I'm sitting on the couch right now, feeling exhausted, congested and dealing only with half a voice. I keep squeaking when I talk. And, this morning, I could only sing half the Britney Spears song on my drive in because my poor throat couldn't hit the high notes.
But, my current state is a small sacrifice for the fun I had in Sin City. I came back with a great tan, great memories with my best friends, and some great pictures. (And - I didn't lose a single dollar!) I can't wait to go back! But, with all we did, I know there is so much I didn't get to see and experience. And, I'm convinced that depending on who you travel with, the trip will unfold in a completely different manner.
For instance, when you go to Vegas with five other ladies, the city is basically handed to you on a silver platter. We were on all sorts of lists for some of the hottest clubs. We hardly paid for any drinks. And, the dinner where the manager brought us all complimentary champagne and chocolate fondue? Swoon!!!!!! And while the nights were filled with clubs and glamour, the days were filled with poolside mai tais and suntan lotion. Again: swoon!!
I would love to go with a cute boy on a little one-on-one excursion. ;) It was decided on the plane ride black that Vegas would not be a romantic vacation. Vegas would be a SEXY vacation. Sign me up!
Another Vegas trip I'm looking forward to? December 2010. When my little sister (finally!) turns 21, we're going as a family! Oh. My. Gosh. I already know we'll laugh until our abs hurt on this vacation.
Is it bad that I've already looked at Vegas flights for Fall this year?? I'm ready to go!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Vegas, Baby!
I'm off to Vegas tomorrow morning and meeting up with five of my best friends. Of the six of us, only one of us has ever been to this town of bright lights and low morals. Oh. My. Gosh. This is going to be so much fun!!
Wish me luck!
Wish me luck!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle... ARE YOU KIDDING ME!

Yesterday afternoon, my friend and I drove up I65 all the way from Nashville to Louisville with the top down. (Yes, we did blast country music! And, yes, I did feel like I was in a Carrie Underwood music video!) But, by the time we got to Indianapolis, the 80 degree weather and bright sunshine were distant memories. Perfect weather was replaced by forty degree temperatures, strong winds, storms and the promise of snow in the morning. Oh, Indianapolis, you always seem to welcome me home with the most cheerful of weather....
At home that night, I got out the holiday decorations. And, if I had gone by the weather, I should have put up the Christmas decorations instead of the Easter decorations. Seriously - it feels like December outside! (Don't worry Momma - the faux-chocolate rabbit is perched on the mantel anxiously awaiting your arrival!)
And, as I walked out to my car this morning, I experienced the strange juxtaposition of sleet hitting my face while birds chirped in the trees. And, I swear, I heard one bird say to the other, "What the tweet is going on here!?!"
Vegas in 10 days!!!!!!!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Rolls of Wonder

I love Naked Tchopstix. Damn good sushi. And, their Maui Roll is high up on my list of foods I crave (which includes Nick's Pizza and Schoop's hashbrowns). I don't know who came up with the idea to include asparagus and mango in a sushi roll, but I'm glad they did!
Oh, and their martinis aren't bad either....
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Reason #8,392 I Love My Parents....
If you're jealous of my parents, it's okay. I understand. I know they rock!
For example....
Currently, my parents are in the Keys on one of their "Empty Nester" vacations. On Friday, my dad calls me and directs me to the Hog's Breath website. "Click on the HogCam!" he excitedly says. I click, I wait a few seconds, and then I see my mom and dad on the screen, waving into a webcam located in the bar. I got so excited, I waved back!
There they were, wearing cute "vacation" clothes, drinking beer and calling their kids to gloat about how good of a time they were having. And, I love them for it.
(*The picture is from another "Empty Nester" trip my parents took a few months ago. They have yet to share the Key West photos with me....)
Friday, March 27, 2009
Meridian Kessler is going to the dogs!
Driving through the Meridian Kessler neighborhood this morning, I started noticing a pattern.
Every block or so, I saw someone (usually dressed in "athletic attire") walking not one, but two or more dogs along the sidewalks lining the perfectly manicured lawns. And, more often than not, the dogs were of the same breed! There was the man walking two miniature dachshunds while carrying his baby on his back. Or the lady walking three (three!) yorkies as she "hiked" up Penn.
And then, there's the quintessential Meridian Kessler dog: the gold retriever. Who hasn't seen the young couple pushing a stroller and walking their two goldens as they make their way down to Patachou for Sunday brunch?
So, what is it about Meridian Kessler that causes people to get so dog-gone crazy about dogs?
Every block or so, I saw someone (usually dressed in "athletic attire") walking not one, but two or more dogs along the sidewalks lining the perfectly manicured lawns. And, more often than not, the dogs were of the same breed! There was the man walking two miniature dachshunds while carrying his baby on his back. Or the lady walking three (three!) yorkies as she "hiked" up Penn.
And then, there's the quintessential Meridian Kessler dog: the gold retriever. Who hasn't seen the young couple pushing a stroller and walking their two goldens as they make their way down to Patachou for Sunday brunch?
So, what is it about Meridian Kessler that causes people to get so dog-gone crazy about dogs?
Monday, March 9, 2009
Star Sighting!

I spent Saturday night in Louisville with the girls - we all desperately needed a change of scenery and L'ville seemed like a great place to go.
The weather was just like Spring weather should be - warm enough that you don't need a jacket but with a slight breeze still keeping you on your toes.
We're sitting on the patio of a bar late night people watching (saw some AWFUL outfits) and taking Obama shots (shot of bacardi o dropped in a glass of red bull followed by some silly dance - I totally bought into the whole thing) provided to us by some cute boys from Michigan. And, all of a sudden, who comes stolling down the street???
Ron White!!!! (If you're like everyone else on Fourth Street, and don't know who he is, check him out here: Ron White)
I got really excited, ran down the street yelling, "Ron White! Ron White!" and had my girls take a picture of me and him! It was a GREAT way to end the night! Thank you, Louisville!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I saw a whole bunch of robins today. And, this time, I believed in them. Spring is so, so close!
I saw a whole bunch of robins today. And, this time, I believed in them. Spring is so, so close!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Oh boy - I signed up for twitter today. And, I have no idea what I'm doing!
I do know that I am "following" Levar Burton and I DO plan on somehow reminiscing with him about the time we sang the Reading Rainbow theme song together at the Snakepit Ball and I cried. Best fifteen seconds EVER!
Okay - so if you want to "follow" me, I can be found on twitter at: LaneyinIndy
Wish me luck!
I do know that I am "following" Levar Burton and I DO plan on somehow reminiscing with him about the time we sang the Reading Rainbow theme song together at the Snakepit Ball and I cried. Best fifteen seconds EVER!
Okay - so if you want to "follow" me, I can be found on twitter at: LaneyinIndy
Wish me luck!
Friday, February 27, 2009
I had the most amazing sandwich at lunch today. I've been reading about R Bistro in different Indy blogs, and finally had the chance to try it out myself.
Just some background: I have an obsessive love of peanut butter. I eat it on everything and with everything! So, when I saw a Peanut Butter and Banana Panini on the menu, I swooned. This decadent little panini-that-could had crunchy peanut butter, an entire banana, watercress and thinly sliced apples nestled between two slices of soft bread. I don't even know what watercress is! But damn, it was good!
And there you have it, an ode to a peanut butter sandwich.
Just some background: I have an obsessive love of peanut butter. I eat it on everything and with everything! So, when I saw a Peanut Butter and Banana Panini on the menu, I swooned. This decadent little panini-that-could had crunchy peanut butter, an entire banana, watercress and thinly sliced apples nestled between two slices of soft bread. I don't even know what watercress is! But damn, it was good!
And there you have it, an ode to a peanut butter sandwich.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
pantyhose optional

I spent this morning ruffling through my nightgowns/sports bras/pantyhose drawer (yes - all three of those types of items are in one drawer. it's a big drawer) trying to find a pair of pantyhose that didn't have a run in them or make me look like a ghost from the thigh down.
Ohmigosh - I HATE pantyhose. I run the risk of tearing them every time I put them on. And, for some reason, I have not mastered the ladylike way of putting hose on - two legs at one time? How is this possible? (Thank goodness for thigh highs!!) And, by the time I get home at the end of the day, I guess I'm so delirious from having to wear pantyhose all day, that I don't even notice there is a run in them and they wind up back in my nightgowns/sports bras/pantyhose drawer.
I would like to add that tights are totally okay by me. Since they're thicker, they don't rip as easily, and therefore, are easier to put on.
With all that said, I was late to work today because I was fighting with pantyhose for a good part of my morning. Ugh. Then, because I was rushing, I just threw a coat on and walked out of my place. It wasn't until I was in the elevator (with mirrored interior doors) on my way up to my office that I realized my coat was longer than my dress. All you could see on me was my coat, my pantyhose and my tall boots. No big deal - or so I thought...
As I walked to lunch today, I caught people giving me double takes. Time after time, as I walked down Penn, people were giving me second looks. Yes - I understand that it may have looked like I was only wearing a coat, pantyhose and boots, but come on! What? Like I went to work naked with only hose and boots on? Yeah right!
And, as I walked to happy hour today, and continued to get second looks, all I could do was laugh.
I am SO looking forward to warmer weather where pantyhose (and a coat!) are optional.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Now THIS is church!
A neat, new service, camaraderie, pizza & beer (!) and Red Carpet on the tv? I think I am really starting to like this church! I'm glad I made the decision to start going back - I just didn't know I'd be welcomed so soon.
Frankfort, Indiana

Eight years after I wore a pink ballgown and white satin gloves at the 2001 Valparaiso's Junior Miss, I finally made it down to Frankfort, Indiana for the Indiana's Junior Miss competition. And, I'd like to say that things haven't changed much. The girls still do a fitness routine and smile at the judges as they do push ups on stage (so awkward!) and then sway back in forth during the poise and presence part at the end. I felt so fortunate to be invited. My dear friend Betsy was a judge at Saturday's competition. Her dad is president of the State Junior Miss Board. And, it's impressive how the entire town of Frankfort embraces Junior Miss. I loved it!
Post competition, all the folks who had a part in putting on Junior Miss met up at a lovely little bar called The Island. In all honesty, The Island is a double wide trailer converted into a small town bar - complete with holiday themed decorations in the entry way! The Island was followed by a trip to The Scoreboard - an equally dive-y bar with a dj and a dance floor. Watch out!
At four in the morning, I was back at Betsy's house, rolling around on the floor with the four little dachshunds (oh - I almost forgot to mention Frankfort's high school mascot is the Hot Dog!) and eating lukewarm pizza. An end to a GREAT night! Thanks Betsy!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
And then he was gone...
And just like that, he was gone. There were no long goodbyes and no reminiscing of the fun times we shared. Just a phone call from the car that he bought a house and he was on his way down.
And the emotions I'm feeling are so bizarre. I'm sad, cause it is the end of our book. I'm happy - because I think this move was necessary. And, in a weird way, I'm jealous.
And the emotions I'm feeling are so bizarre. I'm sad, cause it is the end of our book. I'm happy - because I think this move was necessary. And, in a weird way, I'm jealous.
Monday, February 16, 2009
She said WHAT???
So there I am, at my annual doctor's appointment chitchatting with my doctor. My doctor is a nice lady who wants her patients to not only be healthy but also to have an active social life. So, as she and I are discussing me being single, she pointedly asks, "Well, have you tried online dating?" During. The. Exam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Feels Like Home to Me....
Friday, February 13, 2009
Three Yogurt Parfaits in Two Days

Any respectable breakfast event has several key components: LOTS of coffee, coat racks, a good crowd of familiar faces, muffins and yogurt parfaits. I went to several breakfast events last week, and the yogurt parfaits were definitely the standouts. I was at one event for so long, I had a yogurt parfait for breakfast (along with some banana bread that can only be described as orgasmic) and another parfait for lunch.
Three cheers for parfaits!!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It used to be that the first signal of spring for me was seeing my first robin of the season. Well, robins these days are totally psyching me out! Guess how many robins I saw this past Saturday, February (yes - february!) 7th? Three! I saw three robins, which should mean that Spring has sprung, right? WRONG! It's February, there's a thunderstorm taking place outside my window right now and temperatures are supposed to drop back to the 30s in a few days. I feel like I'm on some kind of weird seasonal roller coaster...
So, robins - go back to wherever you spend your winters and don't show yourselves until Spring really has sprung!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
"It's the end of the world as we know it!"
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Oh. My. Hell.

Dear City of Indianapolis,
That white stuff that's been falling from the sky this past week? That's called snow. And, it's a pretty common occurrence this time of year in this part of the world. So, if it's so common, why are you and your 60 snowplows having trouble clearing the roads??
Seriously. I know there are a lot of roads to plow, but I would like to see a bit more effort. Driving on slippery slush does not mean the roads are clean. It just means everyone is going to slip that much more as they turn in an intersection.
Also, I finally realized something: your inefficiency to clear the roads has bred an entire city of stupid drivers. They either drive too fast and then can't stop or they drive so slow a tortoise could pass them on the left. Those Indy residents who learned to drive in Indy and have lived here their whole lives really lose all skill once the snow starts to fall.
And, because of the slush and the stupid drivers, commutes that normally take thirty minutes now take an hour and half. I HATE sitting in my car that long in the morning! In fact, I've taken to doing bizarre things as I sit in traffic and look at brake lights (writing to-do lists and exercising a certain "muscle" comes to mind...)
With that said, I'd like to take a moment to proudly proclaim that I am a Region Rat. This title means that I not only say all my vowels in my nose and know where the Perogi/Pork/Blueberry/Popcorn Festival takes place each year, but I also grew up experiencing lake effect snow that would inevitably dump inches upon inches of snow on Lake, Porter and LaPorte County. ALL. THE. TIME.
This also means that I learned how to drive during the cruel and nasty winters in the Region. I even mastered the fine art of sliding through a stoplight at just the right moment so that my car wouldn't spin out. That takes some mad skill! (Sidenote: my driving instructor father would not be proud of my running a light, but he is VERY proud of my snow driving abilities. And, he knows how crappy Indy is with snow removal, so he gifted me special snow tires this year! Thanks, Pops!)
So, as I look out my window at the slush covered streets and not-so-secretly dream of warm days and flip flops, I rest assured knowing that I can take those mean streets. It's everyone else that pisses me off.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The snow started falling yesterday and my commute home took almost two hours. And, wouldn't you know it, my favorite Beyonce song comes on the radio while I'm driving home, and I, of course, start busting out my white girl dance moves while driving. Whelp, at that same time, my car started sliding left and right on I70 like it was shaking its own money-maker! I stopped dancing, took control of my car and finally got home (where I promptly made myself a cocktail!).
So, at 6am this morning I'm out of bed looking out the windows and firing on my laptop. The snow outside is stacked up HIGH and my Channel 13 newscasters are working their tails off trying to count snowplows on the road and watching buses make precarious right hand turns. Work email has nothing about the office being closed. Call my voicemail, and find out that the office IS open. WHAT???
It's now 11am, I'm showered, in my pjs and on my couch. And, I think I can finally see the snow plows in the parking lot. It's about time!!!
I'll be working from home today. No use in risking my Honda and my sanity on the roads when I can easily do email from the comfort of my own home. My poor boss has received so many texts from me today, I'm surprised she hasn't turned her phone off. But, I have the go ahead to work from home, and that's what I plan on doing! (Well, that and possibly cleaning the apt...)
Ahhh, the joys of an unexpected day at home! Now, I just need to figure out if the Roller Skating party is in my future this evening....
So, at 6am this morning I'm out of bed looking out the windows and firing on my laptop. The snow outside is stacked up HIGH and my Channel 13 newscasters are working their tails off trying to count snowplows on the road and watching buses make precarious right hand turns. Work email has nothing about the office being closed. Call my voicemail, and find out that the office IS open. WHAT???
It's now 11am, I'm showered, in my pjs and on my couch. And, I think I can finally see the snow plows in the parking lot. It's about time!!!
I'll be working from home today. No use in risking my Honda and my sanity on the roads when I can easily do email from the comfort of my own home. My poor boss has received so many texts from me today, I'm surprised she hasn't turned her phone off. But, I have the go ahead to work from home, and that's what I plan on doing! (Well, that and possibly cleaning the apt...)
Ahhh, the joys of an unexpected day at home! Now, I just need to figure out if the Roller Skating party is in my future this evening....
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Random Thoughts
1. I love The Office. I giggle the entire time. And, I love watching the reruns. Even if I've seen a certain episode many, many times - I still giggle.
2. My friend Jen is one of my most favorite people. And, I'm so glad she has such an awesome man in her life. She deserves it!
3. Today, I found my picture on the back of every bathroom stall at work. It wasn't done in jest, but as a way to encourage people to participate in an office wide program. While I like being an office "cheerleader" and will continue to be a good sport, I don't like that people are looking at me while they are going pee. Weird!
4. I LOVE Scotty's Brewhouse. I went to the downtown location for the first time tonight and ran into a bunch of fun, fun people. I always do at Scotty's - should have known I would at the new location. Can't wait to go there tomorrow night for DAW!
5. My friend, BR, has the best accent in the entire world. He has a really, really deep voice and a very strong southern accent. It is one of the cutest things I have ever heard. :)
6. I have a three day weekend ahead of me. I'm trying to think of things to do to kill the time: sleep, shop, clean, bake, gym. Anyone want to go watch movies with me????
7. I saw some really bad engagement pictures online the other day. It made me start planning what I would not do in my engagement pictures. I'm getting ahead of myself - I know this. But really - you should have seen these. Awful.
8. New guilty pleasure? Cheap manicures. I got a mani for $12 yesterday! Who knew that if I went to a different side of town, manicures would be half the price of what I normally pay on the Northside???
2. My friend Jen is one of my most favorite people. And, I'm so glad she has such an awesome man in her life. She deserves it!
3. Today, I found my picture on the back of every bathroom stall at work. It wasn't done in jest, but as a way to encourage people to participate in an office wide program. While I like being an office "cheerleader" and will continue to be a good sport, I don't like that people are looking at me while they are going pee. Weird!
4. I LOVE Scotty's Brewhouse. I went to the downtown location for the first time tonight and ran into a bunch of fun, fun people. I always do at Scotty's - should have known I would at the new location. Can't wait to go there tomorrow night for DAW!
5. My friend, BR, has the best accent in the entire world. He has a really, really deep voice and a very strong southern accent. It is one of the cutest things I have ever heard. :)
6. I have a three day weekend ahead of me. I'm trying to think of things to do to kill the time: sleep, shop, clean, bake, gym. Anyone want to go watch movies with me????
7. I saw some really bad engagement pictures online the other day. It made me start planning what I would not do in my engagement pictures. I'm getting ahead of myself - I know this. But really - you should have seen these. Awful.
8. New guilty pleasure? Cheap manicures. I got a mani for $12 yesterday! Who knew that if I went to a different side of town, manicures would be half the price of what I normally pay on the Northside???
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
We're gonna get political, political!
Crazy Conservatives

I watch the Today show when I get ready each morning. It's my way of staying up on current events while applying the proper eye makeup each morning. Also, I have a crush on Matt Lauer...
Either way, Anne Coulter was on this morning to talk about her new book, but she also spent a good time whining about how she got cut from the show on Tuesday and was replaced by Tony Blair. I mean, lots of whining! I came to this conclusion:
Anne Coulter is one crazy ass bitch. And, I'm not reading her book.
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